In which countries are you at the moment ?
We are currently only available in Germany
Can I see the different offers before registering ?
Yes you can go to and find service providers, their locations and services
Where will the service take place ?
You can decide with the service provider where you want the service to take place.
And what if I am not satisfied from the service ?
You can leave a review and contact us . We will find the best solution for your satisfaction
Are there complementary services on your platform ?
No. We are focused on Hairstylists, Makeup artists and Barbers.
How can I book an appointment ?
Yes you can book an appointment. For that you need to register as an user(client). Find your service provider and start buying the service you need.
Can I cancel an appointment ?
Yes you can cancel an appointment. You just have to contact your Hairstylist or Make-up Artists.
Can I filter my search by cities ?
Yes you can filter your search by cities. Go to and find services near you.
Is it free?
For users(clients) it is free. We take 10% fees on the service providers bills
How can I pay for a service ? (Paypal, credit card)
You can pay with Paypal or Credit Cards
Can I see members that are already registered?
You can see services providers that registered.
Did I forget something?
Yes be kind and honest. And spread the message, dear Ikedian. 😊